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I took with me several merchants, of different nations, with their
We sailed with the first fair wind, and the first place we touched at,
after some time, was a desert island, where we found an egg of a roc,
equal in size to the one I have mentioned already. When the owner of the cargo and the carrier are separate corporations, marine cargo insurance typically compensates the owner of cargo for losses sustained from fire, shipwreck, etc., but excludes losses that can be recovered from the carrier or the carrier's insurance. If the driver cannot show the document immediately on
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king had sons of his own; he should give no hint of any other succession
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and encircle himself with grateful champions
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The declivity was so small, that I walked near a mile before I
got to the shore, which I conjectured was about eight o'clock in
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evening. And as for the captain, he could not carry them to
England other than as prisoners in irons, to be tried for mutiny, and
running away with the ship; the consequence of which, they must needs
know, would be the gallows; so that I could not tell which was best
for them, unless they had a mind to take their fate in the island. The spellings straightjacket and straight-jacket are now valid alternatives, although the original term came from strait meaning narrow or confined; thus straitjacket is preferable.
Straitjackets are used to restrain people who may otherwise cause harm to themselves and others. Petersburg