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and that I was called plainly by Providence to save this poor
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The duchess asked Sancho how he had fared in tramadol interactions his long voyage? "Why,
truly, madam," answered he, "when, as my master told me, we were
flying through the region of fire, I wished to uncover my eyes a
little, but my master would not suffer me to do so; yet, as I have a
spice of curiosity still hankering after what is forbidden me, I
shoved my handkerchief a little above my nose and looked down, and, as
it seemed, spied the earth no bigger than a mustard seed; and the men
walking to and fro upon it not much larger than hazelnuts; by which
you may see how high we had got!"--"Have a care what you say, my
friend," said the duchess; "for if the men were bigger than hazelnuts,
and the earth no bigger than a mustard seed, one man must cover the
whole earth."--"Like enough," answered Sancho; "but for all that, do
you see, I saw it with a kind of a side look upon one part of
it."--"Look you, Sancho," replied the duchess, "nothing can be wholly
seen by a partial view of it."--"Well, well, madam," quoth Sancho, "I
do not understand your views; I only know that as we flew by
enchantment, so, by enchantment, I might see the whole earth, and all
the men, which way soever I looked?
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