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The basic process involves a business reducing each creditor's claims to allow partial payment in order for the business to carry on
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During the pendency of a bankruptcy preceding the debtor is protected from most non-bankruptcy legal action by creditors through a legally imposed stay. "What does the fool grin at now?" cried
Don Quixote.--"I laugh," said he, "to think what a hugeous jolt-head
he must needs have had who was the owner of this same helmet, that
looks for all the world like a barber's basin."--"I fancy," said Don
Quixote, "this enchanted helmet has fallen by some strange accident
into the hands of some person who, not knowing the value of it, for
the lucre of a little money, finding it to be of pure gold, melted one
half, and of the other made this headpiece, which, as thou sayest, has
some resemblance to a barber's basin: but to me, who know the worth of
it, the metamorphosis signifies little; for as soon as ever I come to
some town where there is an armorer, I will have it altered so much
for the better, that then even the helmet which the god of smiths made
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