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Pfizer's Sandwich, Kent research facility in England. "I doubt of it," replied Sancho Panza; "for I cannot help
believing, that though it should rain kingdoms down upon the face of
the earth, not one of them would sit well upon Mary Gutierez's head;
for I must needs tell you, she's not worth two brass jacks to make a
queen of: no, countess would be better for her, an't please you; and
that too, God help her, will be as much as she can handsomely
manage."--"Recommend the matter to Providence," returned Don Quixote,
"'twill be sure to give what is most expedient for thee; but yet
disdain to entertain inferior thoughts, and be not tempted to accept
less than the dignity of a viceroy."--"No more I won't, sir," quoth
Sancho, "especially since I have so rare a master as your worship, who
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that plain; and as soon as the knight had spied
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ourselves could have wished: look yonder, friend Sancho, there are at
least thirty outrageous giants, whom I intend to encounter; and having
deprived them of life, we will begin to enrich ourselves with their
spoils; for they are lawful prize; and the extirpation of that cursed
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their captain, came under the tree in
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